Valentine's Day Stress - 4 Things to Bring You Peace, Love, and Calm

Valentine's Day Stress - 4 Things to Bring You Peace, Love, and Calm

Posted by CalmiGo Team on
Natural stress reliever Valentine anxiety

Valentine's Day can be a day full of fun and enjoyment, but it can also be a day of great stress and anxiety. If you're single, Valentine's Day may bring anxiety because you worry about being alone (or, if you're happy being alone, what other people may think). If you're in a relationship, Valentine's Day can bring anxiety for other reasons – maybe you aren't sure what to do for your romantic partner, maybe you can't afford to do anything, or perhaps your relationship has hit a rough patch.

Don't let your anxiety take over this romantic holiday. Find new ways to celebrate, by celebrating yourself!

1. Treat Yourself

One great thing you can do to help relieve the anxiety of Valentine's Day, whether you're single or not, is to treat yourself. Do something that is just for you – take a spa day or splurge on a new outfit. If money is an issue, spend a relaxing day at home eating your favorite food and doing something you love.

2. Set Expectations

You can lessen the amount of possible stress due to Valentine's Day by setting reasonable expectations. If you're single, set them for yourself – like understanding that things can be fun for you on Valentine's Day, even when you don't have a significant other. If you're in a relationship, you can set mutual expectations regarding gifts and plans, so neither one of you feels like they're getting less than expected. You also don't want to feel burdened with financial stress.

3. Understand the Different Types of Love

Valentine's Day is a day for celebrating friendship and love – not just the romantic kind. There are many types of love. Celebrate platonic love with your friends and familial love with your family members. Even if you don't have a romantic partner, there are people you love in your life – enjoy this day with them!

4. Find Relaxation

Take some time to relax before, during, and after any Valentine's Day plans you have. If you start feeling anxious on your date, take a moment to breathe. Natural stress relief like meditation and breathing exercises can help ease your jitters. Don't forget to take your CalmiGo with you as a natural way for calming down when stress kicks in.

Stress and anxiety can get in the way of your feelings of love and romance, but there are things you can do to keep the stress at bay. Take your time, love yourself and those close to your heart, and just breath.

Natural stress reliever Valentine anxiety

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