3 Ways to Manage Distraction

3 Ways to Manage Distraction

Posted by CalmiGo Team on

Do you find yourself getting easily distracted these days? Are you unable to remain on task? Do you feel a little bit more disorganized? You’re not alone.

Distraction isn’t just affecting people who are working from home. Essential workers, children who are homeschooling, even grandparents in nursing homes are finding it difficult to concentrate. And who could blame us? The world has changed overnight. We are all doing our best to cope.

Most likely, your mind is probably running a million miles a minute. This thinking pattern can prevent an individual from remaining on the same thought topic, making finishing projects and household chores much more difficult.

Why are we all feeling this way? It could be many reasons. The current situation continues to test our mental health, and each person reacts differently. A decrease in our capacity for attention can result from feelings of grief, depression, anxiety, and acute stress.

All feelings that we can be prone to during this time.

There are ways for you to hone in on a task and get things done. The following are a few methods to keep you from being driven to distraction.

Create Smaller, Realistic Goals

Develop measurable and attainable goals. But not like the ones you were able to do six months ago. Things have changed, and so have you. Your mind is adjusting to a different lifestyle. It's completely normal to feel a little overwhelmed. Because of these factors, your goals must also change.

If you were able to finish a report in one week in the past, you might need to extend your completion time. If that's not possible, creating shorter realistic goals can help you finish the project on time.

The same goes for daily household chores. Allot more time for yourself, and create shorter goals that will help you finish the task. You may not be able to complete a few tasks the same way you used to, and that's just fine.

Man at laptop distracted by phone and tablet

Adapt Your Environment

Become attentive to your needs. If you find that you need background noise to concentrate, put on some headphones, play a podcast or music. You can do this for work or even while performing housework. Do you find that you can only work on one task for short periods? Take frequent breaks. If you find yourself having to organize more often, take the extra time it takes to gather things together before you start. What used to work for you six months ago might be completely different now. Acknowledge that your needs might be different and adapt the environment to them.

Let Some Things Go

We can't be at our best 100% of the time, especially right now. Cut yourself a lot of slack. Your attention span will be limited, and you may feel distracted -- and that's okay. The more you become frustrated with yourself, the more distracted you will be. Then your anxiety and distraction become an endless loop of disappointment. Don't let it get to that point.

It's okay if the laundry piles up a bit. If your hair is a little unkempt, that's fine. So, you forget something during a Zoom meeting. We've all been there, and it's not going to bring the world crashing down. Let it go. You'll find that your attention span will start to come back when you feel less stressed.

The Science

Breathing mindfully can increase your attention span. A 2017 study published in the journal Frontiers of Psychology found that diaphragmatic breathing, also known as deep breathing, can improve attention and other thinking processes. Out of a total of 40 participants, those that were provided training in breathing techniques reported higher sustained attention span and cognitive performance.

Would you like to see if your attention can improve through structured breathing? CalmiGo can help. Just three times a day may help you reduce your anxiety and increase your attention span. Try CalmiGo and see if it's right for you.

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